Wednesday, August 19, 2009

what a day..

What a day what a day what a day..well a couple days actually, Saturday morning Chris woke up complaining about a pain in his side, we didnt think any thing of it and just went on with the day, sunday rolls around and the pain is even worse. So Chris say what ever I will deal with it, by sunday night chris was in so much pain we decided when i was off work we were going to take him to the er at the va to find out whats wrong, well three and a half hours later we hadnt even been seen yet, chris said forget it lets just go i think its only gas so we went to wallgreens got some gas x and went to sleep this is at two am mind you. at four i wake up to chris throwing up and screaming in pain so i rush him back to the er and i go home and go back to sleep. 520 rolls around and chris calls to tell me to hurry down there he needs surgery, i am on and hour or so of sleep at this point freaking out thinking my boyfriend is dying. I run to the hospital and chris is hooked on an iv and getting some good stuff. they do bloode work, urine sample, ct scan, mri, ekgs, everything you can think of they did. and the doctors found nothing!!! nothing after all that. So a few days later they think his intestines are swollen, so a team of doctors give him all these different anitbiotics to see what helps what. he is doing a little better now we just got relesed this afternoon. now we are just waiting to make sure the anitbiotics work so that way we dont end up in the hospital in a few days again with pain because that stuff didnt work. its been pretty crazy.!

Amy: mommys not able to make it i think she has finals..maybe we can work something out. i really miss you and the babies.

lindsay: just let me know what you would like and i can get it all for you.

thanks for all your support and love..

Love Chris and Christy

1 comment:

  1. Creepy! Hospitals suck big time. I hope Chris is feeling getter and now that you are home you'll get some sleep. Love ya!
