So i went to this place called Cosmo Prof, and you have to have your cosmetology licensed to get in the door, and it was the best place I have ever been. I decided i was sick of how my hair was and Chris told me I cant get it done for 7 months and i have to pay off my credit card before i do (which is his usual answer when i ask to buy something) So i went to the hair heaven and bought stuff to do my hair myself, and if I do say so myself it looks pretty good. Its kinda orangy where the red was but it still looks good. I called a salon today they said they would give me a call when they start interviews hope this one works out. wish me luck i need to get into a salon soon or im gunna go crazy. miss u all love u
Didn't I tell you that that place was AMAZING!!!!!!!! I love it and refuse to shop anywhere else